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Omaha Bee | Sunday, Sept. 28, 1913

1913preseason (81K)

COACH STIEHM IN THE DUMPS Cornhusker Foot Ball Mentor Gloomy Over Nebraska Prospects. THREE PLAYERS OUT OF GAME Cameron, Reese and Hawkins Severely Injured In Practice -- Freshmen Show Up in the Varsity Regular Team. By James E. Lawrence LINCOLN, Sept. 27. -- Special -- Coach Stiehm's gridiron warriors will Inaugurate the foot ball season Saturday with a game with Washburn university the first lineup on the Comhusker schedule. It has been a blue week In foot ball olrcles at Nebraska rogretablo early sea son injuries removing threo players upon whom Btlehm was placing much confidence. Early In the week, Cameron, tho Lincoln High school star, wont out with u broken collarbones It Is doubtful If ho will be able to get back into the game again this season, and thus Btlehm losos ono of the men he was dopendlng on to rebuild the line. Following on the heels of the Injury to Cameron, Roese, the track crack, went out wtlh a badly Injured knee and tho doctor has Issued orders against him appearing again this season. The severest Ioib of the week resultod In the Injury which Earl Hawkins, var-slt- y quarterback, sustained. Hawkins received a broken log In scrlmmago Thurs-da- y and will be out for the entire Mason. His loss Is all the mora serious slnco it Is doubtful It Max Towlc, the llttlo quarterback who played ho Well in the closing games last season, will return to school, Towlo promised to report the first of Uo week, but nothing has been beard of him. Unsatlsfnctory Practice. To add to Stlohm's woes, the practice this week has been anything but satisfactory. Tlio freshmen Thursday flight reeled oft five touchdowns In rapid 'stltj-- cesslon against Uio regulars, the Una making a miserable showing, The freshmen forwards tore great holes, through which the backfleld men reelod off yard after yard. In return tho, varsity failed to show Its usual brilliancy and scored but threo touchdowns when given the ball. Very little Is known of the strength of Washburn nnd Btlehm says he can only Judge from past performances. The ,Kan- - an nave oeen practicing two weeks longer than the Cornhuskers, owing to the earlier start ot school, and should have a deolded edge as far as condition Is concerned. Washburn has had a faculty of beating both Missouri and Kansas and the Cornhuskers will havo no easy tlms n( it. Btlehm's practice, for the coming week will be the most severe of the season. The squad will not be spared and tho men will bo kept at It early and late. It will be necessary to shift constantly in order to make up the line and Btlehm Is far from decided as to his lineup for the opening game. Rutherford and Purdy aro sure to start at halfs; Howard at fullback, with Towle at quarter if he returns. Erwln probably will play center; Shields and Halllgan will play tacklesj Mastln one of the ends, with the other three places still to be decided upon. the most disappointing feature of the practice so far is the lack of material. Thlrty-flv- o players havo roported-t- he smallest lumber In years and Stelhm is searching the school for players, without avail. A call has been Issued and every effort will be made to get more oien out the coming week.