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This article from the Minneapolis Journal was written after Nebraska's 7-0 win over Knox. It was the next to last game for the 1902 Cornhuskers, who would win every game by shutout.

knox_commentary_MplsJournal (98K)
Nov. 18, 1902

PRAISE FOR NEBRASKA Ralph Hoagland Says Cornhusker Team Is One of the Strongest in the Country. Special to* The Journal. Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 18.�The triumph of the Nebraska cornhuskers over the doughty K n o x college eleven on Saturday w a s m u ch more decisive than the score, indicates. Nebraska marked up s e v en points, but carried the ball five yards to their opponents' one, while their o wn go? I w a s never in danger, the nearest the Gal jsburg lads got to the cornhuskers' goal being forty yards. . Nebraska o c c u p k s the rather unique position of being the only college eleven of any class in the country which, for the present year, has kept its goal from being crossed. The Missouri ; tigers, after a fumbled punt on which they secured the ball, once rushed the leather down to Nebraska's seven-yard line; but thereafter the cornhusker line refused to budge and their goal w a s still unsullied. Minnesota once w a s on Nebraska's thirty-flveyard line, but could g e t no nearer, while practically three-fourths of the play w a s in t he gophers' territory, Nebraska .secured but one touchdown, but it w a s the result of straight football, in which the cornhuskers fought their way squarely and fairly for fifty yards before working the ball over the goal. .Minnesota..-ne^yer pretended that Nebraska's victory w a s anything but honestly earned, and the subsequent success of the- gophers against other teams, and Nebraska's clean score, seem to furnish proof that tlie cornhuskers are a high-class aggregation. . Ralph Hoagland, referee in the N e b r a sk a - K n o x game , who lives in Chicago and is known throughout the w e st both a s an official and football expert, p a y s Booth's team some very flattering compliments. "The field, being a sea of slime and mud," he sard, "gave poor chance to judge the real offensive power, of Nebraska, but their concerted play and general work stamp them a s one of the strongest elevens in the country. The m en are all splendidly drilled in the rudimentary elements of the game , such a s charging, tackling, falling On the ball and the various other points that make the finished player and team. All o f - t h e skill that Booth learned a t Princeton when, old N a s s au w a s a c h a mpion team s e e ms to have been drilled Into his charges at Nebraska, and his pupils play with the same dash and spirit that made Princeton supreme w h en Booth w a s in college. "Several of Nebraska's players are a s strong a s any in the country, barring none. Right Tackle Westover, Right E nd cortelyou, Right Half Bender and Left Guard Ringer a r e . good enough to rank in any company. Other spots are not so strong, but I understand that five of N e - braska's players are playing their first year on the varsity. On their showing they should make strong second-year players. I believe Michigan could defeat Nebraska, but the margin would be small a t the most, and the struggle would be worth going a long w a y to witness. "I w a s quite agreeably surprised a t the conduct of the Nebraska team on the field and also my treatment ^n Lincoln. Nebraska had a reputation�how they got it I cannot understant�of playing dirty football, but the deportment of every m an Saturday w a s that of a gentleman. K n o x did likewise and the g a me w a s a s free from roughness a s a ny g a me I ever w i tnessed. Unless Northwestern braces w o nderfully, a good trouncing is in store for them w h en they play Nebraska in Lincoln Thanksgiving Day." Mr. Hoagland has been chosen a s one of the officials for the Minnesota-Michigan g a me at Detroit Thanksgiving Day. H is good opinions of the cornhuskers are a compliment to coach and players, c o ming unsolicited and from a m an w ho had never previously seen the Nebraska team in a c t i o n . ! . � '. Booth proposes to give .his m e n some special preparation before the Northwestern g a me on circling the ends for long runs. Nebraska' s\;hief efforts this year h a v e been directed toward perfecting tackle m a s s e s and line plunges, preferring steady gains to the mor e spectacular dashe s around the ends. This accounts for the fact that Nebraska has piled up very few large scores. A decisive defeat of: Northwestern, Booth thinks, would silence the doubters w ho question Nebraska's claim to ranking with the strongest teams in the west, and t he perfection of a s y stem of end rung is, therefore, the goal a t which the cornhuskers' coach will aim. The Nebraska university athletic board m e t last night and decided to apply for a place in the big nine football association. The request for admission will be made a t the conference in Chicago the day after Thanksgiving. Coach Booth w a s chosen for anothe r year a t a salary of $2,000.